From Our Missionaries

E_____ F______, Middle E_st – pray as the government has closed 11 evangelical churches – 4 of them Baptist and 1 of those was theirs. They must purchase a building (no rental buildings and no house churches allowed) at the cost of $80,000. Also pray for their Bible College and the 73 churches to which they minister as in January 2011 a vote on a referendum to stay united as a nation or to be divided between the North and South, is a decision that is very important to them.

Mike Thompson, Paraguay – pray as they are trusting God for $4,500 to purchase tickets to cover the cost of luggage and initial expenses for moving and finding a house to rent in Paraguay.

Paul Daku, Fiji Islands – pray as they are on furlough for good travels, visits, additional support and for their young children to adjust to the change. Pray for Paul’s brother, Joel and wife Brooke as they are in charge of the work while they are away. There is an urgent need to build a toilet and shower block on their college campus whish will also be used by the church and camp ministry. It will cost around $3,500.

Bill Blomberg, Seminoles in Florida – pray as they are praying for a great revival in our nation as well as on the Brighton Reservation and other Seminole Reservations in Florida. Pray for three teachers who took the challenge to teach boys and girls during their recent VBS that these tribal members will continue to share salvation with others and become leaders in the community.

Edgar Asuncion, Cambodia – pray as they have urgent need to elevate their worship area to prevent it from flooding. Pray for the family needs to be supplied for the next month. Pray for complete recovery and protection of Jashen and Descent from fever and flu. Pray for skin allergy of their daughter, Dearly, that she has been fighting for 5 years and prescriptions/medicines are not helping. Spiritual growth and faithfulness of believers. Salvation of the Cambodians.

Only by God’s grace ~ Cathy C. Cochran ~ Psalm 121

Published in: on September 30, 2010 at 10:54 am  Leave a Comment  

Pray for Maureen (Moe) Mitchell

Thanks for asking. I went for my 8 wk check up on Thursday. My donor bones are fusing nicely with my real bone and my incision is healing very well. My right hand not so much. The doc’s office called yesterday AM and I’m scheduled for nerve testing on Oct 5. I’ll then go back to the doc for a follow-up to discuss the results as well as next steps. I now have to wear a carpel tunnel wrist splint in my right to sleep in. It’s not fun because of the pressure and pain it puts on my hand. I’m not noticing a difference wearing it but I’ll give it until the end of the week. If it’s not making a difference by then I’ll call the doc. I still tire easily but that’s just part of the process. My “Recovery Supervisor” (AKA Nat) is doing his best to pace me! It gets frustrating sometimes because my mind is saying yea you can do that but the reality is I can’t. L


Published in: on September 30, 2010 at 9:02 am  Leave a Comment